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    Hi, Welcome to Dazy Dog

    We Make Essential Dog Products, using materials and designs that provide health benefits for Your Dog.

    For us, Dog Health is way more than just what goes into the Bowl.

    That's why I started Dazy Dog; to incorporate hygiene and wellbeing into the products and accessories that Dog's use everyday.

    That's what I want for my Dogs.

    My name is Andy

    I’m the founder of Dazy Dog and we are based in Sydney
    (there's more about me and the team further down the page)

    Wait..you mentioned you have Dogs

    Bruce & Cleo..

    They are a huge part of the Dazy Dog Story. They are always working behind the scenes putting our current and new products through some rigorous testing, and pop their head up for the occasional photo or video.

    Here's a little Photo Album of the Dazy Dog Journey with Bruce & Cleo.

    The Dazy Dog beginnings til now

    Dazy Dog started in 2019..

    ..with the Orthopedic Dog Bed as our only product. This was hugely popular and we knew that customers like yourself believed the same as us – the products must be good for the Dogs.

    We mostly started out in USA, but now our focus is back home in Australia (whilst we do still service USA customers via Amazon.)

    We have grown a lot since then, with a much wider range of products, styles and sizes, available at more places.

    Our products are now available via Amazon, Woolworths Marketplace and Petmarket.

    Looking to the future

    We have big plans, and working on some great new products.

    Over the next 6 months you will see our new products launch to widen our range of Wellbeing focused everyday essentials.

    There's also new colours, new styles in the existing ranges coming too (Yes, new colours of the Cream Shag bed!)

    We are beyond excited, and we are eager to get these into the hands of our community (including samples!).

    We've done some good along the way

    Others Pledge and Promise, we Act.

    Check the stats below. Lots of deserving Dogs are benefiting from our support right now.
    Our donations are not based on sales or profit, we help when we can.

    The Management Team

    Dazy Dog is run by its Two Founders, Myself (Andy) & Brad.

    However, it takes a wider network of people from the start to finish of the supply chain to get the products from design to your front door. Here are our Founders:

    That's our Story so far.
    We hope to see you on Social Media, tag us or use the hashtag #dazydogofficial so we can see what you are up to.
